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BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY: Kothmann, K. H., Jons, A., Wilhelmi, B., Kasozi, N., Graham, L., Gent, R., Atkin, S. L., Swart, A. C., & Newell-Fugate, A. E. (2022). Non-invasive assessment of fecal glucocorticoid, progesterone, and androgen metabolites and microbiome in free-ranging southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) in South Africa. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 329, 114099. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTRE & BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY: Jamabo, M., Bentley, S. J., Macucule-Tinga, P., Tembo, P., Edkins, A. L., & Boshoff, A. (2022). In silico analysis of the HSP90 chaperone system from the African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9, 947078. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
BOTANY: Lubke, R. A. (2022). Current State of Ammophila arenaria (Marram Grass) Distribution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and the Possible Effect of the Grass on the Dune System Dynamics. Plants-Basel, 11(17), 2260. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
BOTANY: Ward, D., Pillay, T., Mbongwa, S., & Kirkman, K. (2022). Spatial analysis reveals facilitation in young clonal trees and competition in older trees during re-invasion of encroaching trees in an African savanna. Plant Ecology, 223, 1167–1180. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
CHEMISTRY & INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Adeniyi, O., Nwahara, N., Mwanza, D., Nyokong, T., & Mashazi, P. (2023). High-performance non-enzymatic glucose sensing on nanocomposite electrocatalysts of nickel phthalocyanine nanorods and nitrogen doped-reduced graphene oxide nanosheets. Applied Surface Science, 609, 155234. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
CHEMISTRY: Messi, A. N., Bonnet, S. L., Owona, B. A., Wilhelm, A., Kamto, E. L. D., Ndongo, J. T., Siwe-Noundou, X., Poka, M., Demana, P. H., Krause, R. W. M., Mbing, J. N., Pegnyemb, D. E., & Bochet, C. G. (2022). In Vitro and In Silico Potential Inhibitory Effects of New Biflavonoids from Ochna rhizomatosa on HIV-1 Integrase and Plasmodium falciparum. Pharmaceutics, 14(8), 1701. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
CHEMISTRY & PHARMACY: Hulushe, S. T., Malan, F. P., Hosten, E. C., Lobb, K. A., Khanye, S. D., & Watkins, G. M. (2022). Photo-and thermoresponsive N-salicylideneaniline derivatives: Solid-state studies and structural aspects. New Journal of Chemistry, 46(43), 20940–20950. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
CHEMISTRY: Tsakem, B., Tchuenguem, R. T., Siwe-Noundou, X., Kemvoufo, B. P., Dzoyem, J. P., Teponno, R. B., Krause, R. W. M., & Tapondjou, L. A. (2022). New bioactive flavonoid glycosides with antioxidant activity from the stem bark of Olax subscorpioidea Oliv. Natural Product Research. Retrieved from: [Accessed 12 December 2022].
ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC HISTORY & STATISTICS: Friderichs, T., & Correa, F. M. (2022). Measuring human capital in South Africa across socioeconomic subgroups using a latent-variable approach. Social Indicators Research, 164, 1161–1185. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, ANTHROPOLOGY & INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Biggs, R., Clements, H. S., Cumming, G. S., Cundill, G., de Vos, A., Hamann, M., Luvuno, L., Roux, D. J., Selomane, O., Blanchard, R., Cockburn, J., Dziba, L., Esler, K. J., Fabricius, C., Henriksson, R., Kotschy, K., … Reyers, B. (2022). Social-ecological change: Insights from the Southern African Program on Ecosystem Change and Society. Ecosystems and People, 18(1), 447–468. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Clements, H. S., Child, M. F., Lindeque, L., Lunderstedt, K., & De Vos, A. (2022). Lessons from COVID-19 for wildlife ranching in a changing world. Nature Sustainability, 5, 1040–1048. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Hutchings, P., Willcock, S., Lynch, K., Bundhoo, D., Brewer, T., Cooper, S., Keech, D., Mekale, S., Mishra, P. P., Parker, A., Shackleton, C. M., Venkatesh, K., Vicario, D. R., & Welivita, I. (2022). Understanding rural-urban transitions in the Global South through peri-urban turbulence. Nature Sustainability, 5(11), 924–930. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Ramarumo, L. J. (2022). Harnessing Ecosystem Services from Invasive Alien Grass and Rush Species to Suppress their Aggressive Expansion in South Africa. Sustainability, 14(22), 15032. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Shackleton, C., Sinasson, G., Adeyemi, O., & Martins, V. (2022). Fuelwood in South Africa Revisited: Widespread Use in a Policy Vacuum. Sustainability, 14(17), 11018. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
GEOGRAPHY: Bannatyne, L. J., Foster, I. D. L., Rowntree, K. M., & van Der Waal, B. W. (2022). Suspended sediment load estimation in a severely eroded and data poor catchment. Hydrological Processes, 36(11), e14730. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
GEOGRAPHY: Miller, J. K., Rowntree, Kate. M., Foster, I. D. L., Reinwarth, B., & Baade, J. (2022). Application of environmental magnetism to estimate source contribution by lithology to Kruger National Park reservoirs. Hydrological Processes, 36(10), e14709. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
GEOLOGY: Antoine, C., Spikings, R. A., Miletic, D., Marsh, J. S., Gaynor, S. P., & Schaltegger, U. (2022). Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology of the Drakensberg continental flood basalts: Understanding large argon isotopic variations in mafic groundmass and plagioclase size fractions. Chemical Geology, 610, 121086. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
HUMAN KINETICS & ERGONOMICS: Aubert, S., Barnes, J. D., Demchenko, I., Hawthorne, M., Abdeta, C., Nader, P. A., Adsuar Sala, J. C., Aguilar-Farias, N., Aznar, S., Bakalar, P., Bhawra, J., Brazo-Sayavera, J., Bringas, M., Cagas, J. Y., Carlin, A., Chang, C.-K., Chen, B., Christiansen, L. B., … Tremblay, M. S. (2022). Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Adolescents: Results and Analyses From 57 Countries. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 19(11), 700–728. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
HUMAN KINETICS & ERGONOMICS: Lipinska, G., Lewis, R., Roden, L., Scheuermaier, K., Gomez-Olive, X., Rae, D., Iacovides, S., Bentley, A., Davy, J., Christie, C., Zschernack, S., & Roche, J. (2022). The Interrelationship of Insomnia Symptoms, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour on Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown. Sleep Medicine, 100(Supplement 1), S98–S98. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
HUMAN KINETICS & ERGONOMICS: Qureshi, S. M., Davy, J., & Buckley, K. (2022). The barriers and opportunities to support the early career academics and professionals in human factors/ergonomics—Revisiting reflections from IEA2015, IEA2018 & IEA2021. Work-a Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 73, S67–S80. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Eggers, J. M., Cochrane, K. L., & Sauer, W. H. H. (2022). Estimating the economic income and social contributions derived from the South African west coast rock lobster fishery. African Journal of Marine Science, 44(3), 255–269. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Farthing, M. W., Mann-Lang, J., Childs, A. R., Bova, C. S., Bower, S. D., Pinder, A. C., Ferter, K., Winkler, A. C., Butler, E. C., Brownscombe, J. W., Danylchuk, A. J., & Potts, W. M. (2022). Assessment of fishing guide knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours in global recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research, 255, 106453. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Jebri, F., Raitsos, D. E., Gittings, J. A., Jacobs, Z. L., Srokosz, M., Gornall, J., Sauer, W. H. H., Roberts, M. J., & Popova, E. (2022). Unravelling links between squid catch variations and biophysical mechanisms in South African waters. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 196, 105028. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Broom, C. J., Weyl, O. L. F., & South, J. (2022). Habitat associations of imperilled fishes after conservation intervention in the Cape Fold Ecoregion, South Africa. Journal of Fish Biology. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Strand, M., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Niner, H. J., Wahome, M., Bell, J., Currie, J. C., Hamukuaya, H., La Bianca, G., Lancaster, A. M. S. N., Maseka, N., McDonald, L., McQuaid, K., Samuel, M. M., & Winkler, A. (2022). Transdisciplinarity in transformative ocean governance research-reflections of early career researchers. Ices Journal of Marine Science, 79(8), 2163–2177. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Swartz, E. R., Braganca, P. H. N., Rall, J. L., Kubheka, S. P., Bloomer, P., Skelton, P. H., & Chakona, A. (2022). Conservation of evolutionary patterns and processes in the Maloti minnow, Pseudobarbus quathlambae (Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrini), a narrow-range stream fish imperiled by water transfer scheme developments in the Lesotho Highlands. Hydrobiologia. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Bridged Magaela, N., Matshitse, R., Managa, M., & Nyokong, T. (2022). The effect of asymmetry and conjugation of biotin decorated nitrogen doped graphene quantum dots on morpholine porphyrin for photodynamic therapy. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Ndebele, N., & Nyokong, T. (2022). Electrocatalytic behaviour of chalcone substituted Co, Cu, Mn and Ni phthalocyanines towards the detection of nitrite. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 926, 116951. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Sen, P., Sindelo, A., Nnaji, N., Mack, J., & Nyokong, T. (2022). Diiodinated Mono- and Dipyridylvinyl BODIPY Dyes: Photophysicochemical Properties, in vitro Antibacterial Studies, Molecular Docking and Theoretical Calculations. Photochemistry and Photobiology. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Sindelo, A., Nene, L., & Nyokong, T. (2022). Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy with asymmetrical cationic or neutral metallophthalocyanines conjugated to amino-functionalized zinc oxide nanoparticles (spherical or pyramidal) against planktonic and biofilm microbial cultures. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 40, 103160. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: King, J., & Palmer, C. (2022). Perspectives on Protecting African freshwater Ecosystems in the Anthropocene. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 47(3), III–VI. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Odume, O. N., Onyima, B. N., Nnadozie, C. F., Omovoh, G. O., Mmachaka, T., Omovoh, B. O., Uku, J. E., Akamagwuna, F. C., & Arimoro, F. O. (2022). Governance and Institutional Drivers of Ecological Degradation in Urban River Ecosystems: Insights from Case Studies in African Cities. Sustainability, 14(21), 14147. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Shehu, Z., Nyakairu, G. W. A., Tebandeke, E., & Odume, O. N. (2022). Overview of African water resources contamination by contaminants of emerging concern. Science of the Total Environment, 852, 158303. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Bishop, N. T., Walt, P. J., & Naidoo, M. (2022). Effect of a viscous fluid shell on the propagation of gravitational waves. Physical Review D, 106(8), 084018. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED) & PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Atemkeng, M., Okouma, P., Maina, E., Ianjamasimanana, R., & Zambou, S. (2022). Radio Astronomical Antennas in the Central African Region to Improve the Sampling Function of the VLBI Network in the SKA Era? Sensors, 22(21), 8466. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED) & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Nandutu, I., Atemkeng, M., Mgqatsa, N., Toadoum Sari, S., Okouma, P., Rockefeller, R., Ansah-Narh, T., Ebongue Kedieng Fendji, J. L., & Tchakounte, F. (2022). Error Correction Based Deep Neural Networks for Modeling and Predicting South African Wildlife–Vehicle Collision Data. Mathematics, 10(21), 3988. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHARMACY: Dasram, M. H., Walker, R. B., & Khamanga, S. M. (2022). Recent Advances in Endocannabinoid System Targeting for Improved Specificity: Strategic Approaches to Targeted Drug Delivery. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(21), 13223. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHARMACY: Dludla, S. B. K., Mashabela, L. T., Ng’andwe, B., Makoni, P. A., & Witika, B. A. (2022). Current Advances in Nano-Based and Polymeric Stimuli-Responsive Drug Delivery Targeting the Ocular Microenvironment: A Review and Envisaged Future Perspectives. Polymers, 14(17), 3580. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHARMACY: Madondo, R., Mutingwende, N., Shwababa, S., Bayne, R. J., Restás, Á., & Tandlich, R. (2022). Analyses of trends in the fire losses and the fire-brigade call-outs in South Africa between 2004 and 2017. Geographia Technica, 17(2), 54–68. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHARMACY: Mapfumari, S., Nogbou, N.-D., Musyoki, A., Gololo, S., Mothibe, M., & Bassey, K. (2022). Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Extracts of Viscum continuum E. Mey. Ex Sprague, a South African Mistletoe. Plants-Basel, 11(16), 2094. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHARMACY: Zvidzayi, M., Rath, S., Bon, C., Abboo, S., & Kanfer, I. (2022). A Novel Approach to Assess the Potency of Topical Corticosteroids (vol 13, 1456, 2021). Pharmaceutics, 14(10), 2006. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Adams, E. a. K., Adebahr, B., Blok, W. J. G. de, Dénes, H., Hess, K. M., Hulst, J. M. van der, Kutkin, A., Lucero, D. M., Morganti, R., Moss, V. A., Oosterloo, T. A., Orrú, E., Schulz, R., Amesfoort, A. S. van, Berger, A., Boersma, O. M., Bouwhuis, M., Brink, R. van den, … Ziemke, J. (2022). First release of Apertif imaging survey data. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 667, A38. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Arias, M., Botteon, A., Bassa, C. G., Jagt, S. van der, Weeren, R. J. van, O’Sullivan, S. P., Bosschaart, Q., Dullaart, R. S., Hardcastle, M. J., Hessels, J. W. T., Shimwell, T., Slob, M. M., Sturm, J. A., Tasse, C., Theijssen, N. C. M. A., & Vink, J. (2022). Possible discovery of Calvera’s supernova remnant. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 667, A71. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Deb, T., Verheijen, M. A. W., Poggianti, B. M., Moretti, A., van der Hulst, J. M., Vulcani, B., Ramatsoku, M., Serra, P., Healy, J., Gullieuszik, M., Bacchini, C., Ignesti, A., Mueller, A., Zabel, N., Luber, N., Jaffe, Y. L., & Gitti, M. (2022). GASP XXXIX: MeerKAT hunts Jellyfish in A2626. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(2), 2683–2696. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Deg, N., Spekkens, K., Westmeier, T., Reynolds, T. N., Venkataraman, P., Goliath, S., Shen, A. X., Halloran, R., Bosma, A., Catinella, B., de Blok, W. J. G., Denes, H., DiTeodoro, E. M., Elagali, A., For, B.-Q., Howlett, C., Jozsa, G. I. G., Kamphuis, P., … Wong, O. (2022). WALLABY Pilot Survey: Public release of HI kinematic models for more than 100 galaxies from phase 1 of ASKAP pilot observations. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 39, e059. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Issaoun, S., Wielgus, M., Jorstad, S., Krichbaum, T. P., Blackburn, L., Janssen, M., Chan, C., Pesce, D. W., Gomez, J. L., Akiyama, K., Moscibrodzka, M., Marti-Vidal, I., Chael, A., Lico, R., Liu, J., Ramakrishnan, V., Lisakov, M., Fuentes, A., … Zhao, S.-S. (2022). Resolving the Inner Parsec of the Blazar J1924-2914 with the Event Horizon Telescope. Astrophysical Journal, 934(2), 145. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Knowles, K. (2022). Outer regions of galaxy clusters host radio megahaloes. Nature, 609(7929), 903–904. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Maina, E. K., Mohapatra, A., Jozsa, G. I. G., Gupta, N., Combes, F., Deka, P., Wagenveld, J. D., Srianand, R., Balashev, S. A., Chen, H.-W., Krogager, J.-K., Momjian, E., Noterdaeme, P., & Petitjean, P. (2022). Mapping H i 21-cm in the Klemola 31 group at z=0.029: Emission and absorption towards PKS 2020-370. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(2), 2050–2061. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Rowlinson, A., Meijn, J., Bright, J., van der Horst, A. J., Chastain, S., Fijma, S., Fender, R., Heywood, I., Wijers, R. A. M. J., Woudt, P. A., Andersson, A., Sivakoff, G. R., Tremou, E., & Driessen, L. N. (2022). Search and identification of transient and variable radio sources using MeerKAT observations: A case study on the MAXI J1820+070 field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(2), 2894–2911. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Serylak, M., Venkatraman Krishnan, V., Freire, P. C. C., Tauris, T. M., Kramer, M., Geyer, M., Parthasarathy, A., Bailes, M., Bernadich, M. C. i, Buchner, S., Burgay, M., Camilo, F., Karastergiou, A., Lower, M. E., Possenti, A., Reardon, D. J., Shannon, R. M., Spiewak, R., … van Straten, W. (2022). The eccentric millisecond pulsar, PSR J0955-6150 I. Pulse profile analysis, mass measurements, and constraints on binary evolution. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 665, A53. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Srianand, R., Gupta, N., Petitjean, P., Momjian, E., Balashev, S. A., Combes, F., Chen, H.-W., Krogager, J.-K., Noterdaeme, P., Rahmani, H., Baker, A. J., Emig, K. L., Jozsa, G. I. G., Kloeckner, H.-R., & Moodley, K. (2022). Emergence of a new H i 21-cm absorption component at z similar to 1.1726 towards the gamma-ray blazar PKS 2355-106. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(1), 1339–1346. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Whittam, I. H., Jarvis, M. J., Hale, C. L., Prescott, M., Morabito, L. K., Heywood, I., Adams, N. J., Afonso, J., An, F., Ao, Y., Bowler, R. A. A., Collier, J. D., Deane, R. P., Delhaize, J., Frank, B., Glowacki, M., Hatfield, P. W., Maddox, N., … Vaccari, M. (2022). MIGHTEE: The nature of the radio-loud AGN population. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(1), 245–263. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Williams, D. R. A., Motta, S. E., Fender, R., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Neilsen, J., Allison, J. R., Bright, J., Heywood, I., Jacob, P. F. L., Rhodes, L., Tremou, E., Woudt, P. A., van den Eijnden, J., Carotenuto, F., Green, D. A., Titterington, D., van der Horst, A. J., & Saikia, P. (2022). Radio observations of the Black Hole X-ray Binary EXO 1846-031 re-awakening from a 34-year slumber. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(2), 2801–2817. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Yao, H. F. M., Cluver, M. E., Jarrett, T. H., Jozsa, G. I. G., Santos, M. G., Marchetti, L., Brown, M. J., Gordon, Y. A., Brough, S., Hopkins, A. M., Holwerda, B. W., Driver, S. P., & Sadler, E. M. (2022). Connecting MeerKAT Radio Continuum Properties to GAMA Optical Emission-line and WISE Mid-infrared Activity. Astrophysical Journal, 939(1), 26. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Yusef-Zadeh, F., Arendt, R. G., Wardle, M., Heywood, I., & Cotton, W. (2022). The population of Galactic Centre filaments—III. Candidate radio and stellar sources. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517(1), 294–355. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Gennari, E., Irion, D. T., & Cowley, P. D. (2022). Active acoustic telemetry reveals ontogenetic habitat-related variations in the coastal movement ecology of the white shark. Animal Biotelemetry, 10(1), 25. Retrieved from: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Baldanzi, S., Saldías, G. S., Vargas, C. A., & Porri, F. (2022). Long term environmental variability modulates the epigenetics of maternal traits of kelp crabs in the coast of Chile. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 18806. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
STATISTICS: Garcia, C., de Almeida, A.-A. F., Costa, M., Britto, D., Correa, F., Mangabeira, P., Silva, L., Silva, J., Royaert, S., & Marelli, J.-P. (2022). Single-base resolution methylomes of somatic embryogenesis in Theobroma cacao L. reveal epigenome modifications associated with somatic embryo abnormalities. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15097. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Caputo, M., Bouveroux, T., van der Bank, M., Cliff, G., Kiszka, J. J., Froneman, P. W., & Plön, S. (2022). Inter- and intra-specific trophic interactions of coastal delphinids off the eastern coast of South Africa inferred from stable isotope analysis. Marine Environmental Research, 182, 105784. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Froneman, P. W. (2022). Predator Diversity Does Not Contribute to Increased Prey Risk: Evidence from a Mesocosm Study. Diversity-Basel, 14(8), 584. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Mutamiswa, R., Tarusikirwa, V. L., Nyamukondiwa, C., Cuthbert, R. N., & Chidawanyika, F. (2022). Thermal stress exposure of pupal oriental fruit fly has strong and trait-specific consequences in adult flies. Physiological Entomology. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Orostica, M. H., Wyness, A. J., Monsinjon, J. R., Nicastro, K. R., Zardi, G., Barker, C., & McQuaid, C. D. (2022). Effects of habitat quality on abundance, size and growth of mussel recruits. Hydrobiologia, 849, 4341–4356. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY & ALBANY MUSEUM: Bellingan, T. A., Hugo, S., Villet, M. H., & Weyl, O. L. F. (2022). Season and environment modulate aquatic invertebrates’ responses to trout and indigenous fishes in three South African mountain streams. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1061807. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Claassens, L., Adams, J. B., de Villiers, N. M., Wasserman, J., & Whitfield, A. K. (2022). Restoration of South African estuaries: Successes, failures and the way forward. African Journal of Aquatic Science. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Vorsatz, L. D., Porri, F., Pattrick, P., & Cannicci, S. (2022). Fine scale environmental variability and physiological tolerance influence invertebrate larval communities from a human-impacted mangrove in Hong Kong. Regional Environmental Change, 22(4), 117. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Truter, A., Mgqatsa, N., & Parker, D. M. (2022). An assessment of the medium-term reproductive success of an extralimital white rhinoceros population. African Zoology, 57(3), 145–153. Retrieved from: [Accessed 14 December 2022].
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