Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Science & Pharmacy Research Output: June - July 2024


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ALBANY MUSEUM, & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Bilton, D.T., and Mlambo, M.C. 2024. A new, apparently lotic species of Relictorygmus from the Northern Cape Kamiesberg, South Africa (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Cylominae). Zootaxa, 5448 (1): 143–150. Retrieved from:


ALBANY MUSEUM, ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Mutshekwa, T., Mugwedi, L., Wasserman, R.J., Dondofema, F., Cuthbert, R., and Dalu, T. 2024. Aquatic macroinvertebrate community colonisation and succession in macadamia orchard and communal area reservoirs: a case study of Luvuvhu River valley, South Africa. Water SA, 50: 137–147. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Ang’ang’o, L.M., Waweru, J.W., Makhulu, E.E., Wairimu, A., Otieno, F.G., Onchuru, T., Tastan Bishop, Ö., and Herren, J.K. 2024. Draft genome of Microsporidia sp. MB—a malaria-blocking microsporidian symbiont of the Anopheles arabiensis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 13 (4): e00903-23. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Mapapiro, T., Davison, C., Mambanda, A., de la Mare, J.-A., and Booysen, I.N. 2024. Exploring the Biomolecular and Cytotoxic Activities of Novel Rhenium(I) Compounds with 2-Aminoguanidine-Derived Schiff Bases. ChemistrySelect, 9 (21): e202400493. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Maússe-Sitoe, S., and Dames, J. 2024. Characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species associating with Zea mays. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15: 1345229. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Mbaisi Ang’ang’o, L., Waweru, J.W., Makhulu, E.E., Wairimu, A., Otieno, F.G., Onchuru, T., Bishop, Ö.T., and Herren, J.K. 2024. Draft genome of Microsporidia sp. MB—a malaria-blocking microsporidian symbiont of the Anopheles arabiensis. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 13 (4): e00903-23. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Ojo, O., Olusola, R.E., and Ojo, O.O. 2024. Spilanthes filicaulis (Schumach. &Thonn.) C. D. Adams: An insights into ethnopharmacologically important but scientifically understudied species. Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises. Retrieved from:


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Veale, C.G.L., Chakraborty, A., Mhlanga, R., Albericio, F., de la Torre, B.G., Edkins, A.L., and Clarke, D.J. 2024. A native mass spectrometry approach to qualitatively elucidate interfacial epitopes of transient protein-protein interactions. Chemical Communications, 60: 5844–5847. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Wallach, I., Bernard, D., Nguyen, K., Ho, G., Morrison, A., Stecula, A., Rosnik, A., O’Sullivan, A.M., Davtyan, A., Samudio, B., Thomas, B., Worley, B., Butler, B., Laggner, C., Thayer, D., Moharreri, E., Friedland, G., Truong, H., van den Bedem, H., Ng, H.L., Stafford, K., Sarangapani, K., Giesler, K., Ngo, L., Mysinger, M., Ahmed, M., Anthis, N.J., Henriksen, N., Gniewek, P., Eckert, S., de Oliveira, S., Suterwala, S., PrasadPrasad, S.V.K., Shek, S., Contreras, S., Hare, S., Palazzo, T., O’Brien, T.E., Van Grack, T., Williams, T., Chern, T.-R., Kenyon, V., Lee, A.H., Cann, A.B., Bergman, B., Anderson, B.M., Cox, B.D., Warrington, J.M., Sorenson, J.M., Goldenberg, J.M., Young, M.A., DeHaan, N., Pemberton, R.P., Schroedl, S., Abramyan, T.M., Gupta, T., Mysore, V., Presser, A.G., Ferrando, A.A., Andricopulo, A.D., Ghosh, A., Ayachi, A.G., Mushtaq, A., Shaqra, A.M., Toh, A.K.L., Smrcka, A.V., Ciccia, A., de Oliveira, A.S., Sverzhinsky, A., de Sousa, A.M., Agoulnik, A.I., Kushnir, A., Freiberg, A.N., Statsyuk, A.V., Gingras, A.R., Degterev, A., Tomilov, A., Vrielink, A., Garaeva, A.A., Bryant-Friedrich, A., Caflisch, A., Patel, A.K., Rangarajan, A.V., Matheeussen, A., Battistoni, A., Caporali, A., Chini, A., Ilari, A., Mattevi, A., Foote, A.T., Trabocchi, A., Stahl, A., Herr, A.B., Berti, A., Freywald, A., Reidenbach, A.G., Lam, A., Cuddihy, A.R., White, A., Taglialatela, A., Ojha, A.K., Cathcart, A.M., Motyl, A.A.L., Borowska, A., D’Antuono, A., Hirsch, A.K.H., Porcelli, A.M., Minakova, A., Montanaro, A., Müller, A., Fiorillo, A., Virtanen, A., O’Donoghue, A.J., Del Rio Flores, A., Garmendia, A.E., Pineda-Lucena, A., Panganiban, A.T., Samantha, A., Chatterjee, A.K., Haas, A.L., Paparella, A.S., John, A.L.S., Prince, A., ElSheikh, A., Apfel, A.M., Colomba, A., O’Dea, A., Diallo, B.N., Ribeiro, B.M.R.M., Bailey-Elkin, B.A., Edelman, B.L., Liou, B., Perry, B., Chua, B.S.K., Kováts, B., Englinger, B., Balakrishnan, B., Gong, B., Agianian, B., Pressly, B., Salas, B.P.M., Duggan, B.M., Geisbrecht, B.V., Dymock, B.W., Morten, B.C., Hammock, B.D., Mota, B.E.F., Dickinson, B.C., Fraser, C., Lempicki, C., Novina, C.D., Torner, C., Ballatore, C., Bon, C., Chapman, C.J., Partch, C.L., Chaton, C.T., Huang, C., Yang, C.-Y., Kahler, C.M., Karan, C., Keller, C., Dieck, C.L., Huimei, C., Liu, C., Peltier, C., Mantri, C.K., Kemet, C.M., Müller, C.E., Weber, C., Zeina, C.M., Muli, C.S., Morisseau, C., Alkan, C., Reglero, C., Loy, C.A., Wilson, C.M., Myhr, C., Arrigoni, C., Paulino, C., Santiago, C., Luo, D., Tumes, D.J., Keedy, D.A., Lawrence, D.A., Chen, D., Manor, D., Trader, D.J., Hildeman, D.A., Drewry, D.H., Dowling, D.J., Hosfield, D.J., Smith, D.M., Moreira, D., Siderovski, D.P., Shum, D., Krist, D.T., Riches, D.W.H., Ferraris, D.M., Anderson, D.H., Coombe, D.R., Welsbie, D.S., Hu, D., Ortiz, D., Alramadhani, D., Zhang, D., Chaudhuri, D., Slotboom, D.J., Ronning, D.R., Lee, D., Dirksen, D., Shoue, D.A., Zochodne, D.W., Krishnamurthy, D., Duncan, D., Glubb, D.M., Gelardi, E.L.M., Hsiao, E.C., Lynn, E.G., Silva, E.B., Aguilera, E., Lenci, E., Abraham, E.T., Lama, E., Mameli, E., Leung, E., Christensen, E.M., Mason, E.R., Petretto, E., Trakhtenberg, E.F., Rubin, E.J., Strauss, E., Thompson, E.W., Cione, E., Lisabeth, E.M., Fan, E., Kroon, E.G., Jo, E., García-Cuesta, E.M., Glukhov, E., Gavathiotis, E., Yu, F., Xiang, F., Leng, F., Wang, F., Ingoglia, F., van den Akker, F., Borriello, F., Vizeacoumar, F.J., Luh, F., Buckner, F.S., Vizeacoumar, F.S., Bdira, F.B., Svensson, F., Rodriguez, G.M., Bognár, G., Lembo, G., Zhang, G., Dempsey, G., Eitzen, G., Mayer, G., Greene, G.L., Garcia, G.A., Lukacs, G.L., Prikler, G., Parico, G.C.G., Colotti, G., De Keulenaer, G., Cortopassi, G., Roti, G., Girolimetti, G., Fiermonte, G., Gasparre, G., Leuzzi, G., Dahal, G., Michlewski, G., Conn, G.L., Stuchbury, G.D., Bowman, G.R., Popowicz, G.M., Veit, G., de Souza, G.E., Akk, G., Caljon, G., Alvarez, G., Rucinski, G., Lee, G., Cildir, G., Li, H., Breton, H.E., Jafar-Nejad, H., Zhou, H., Moore, H.P., Tilford, H., Yuan, H., Shim, H., Wulff, H., Hoppe, H., Chaytow, H., Tam, H.-K., Van Remmen, H., Xu, H., Debonsi, H.M., Lieberman, H.B., Jung, H., Fan, H.-Y., Feng, H., Zhou, H., Kim, H.J., Greig, I.R., Caliandro, I., Corvo, I., Arozarena, I., Mungrue, I.N., Verhamme, I.M., Qureshi, I.A., Lotsaris, I., Cakir, I., Perry, J.J.P., Kwiatkowski, J., Boorman, J., Ferreira, J., Fries, J., Kratz, J.M., Miner, J., Siqueira-Neto, J.L., Granneman, J.G., Ng, J., Shorter, J., Voss, J.H., Gebauer, J.M., Chuah, J., Mousa, J.J., Maynes, J.T., Evans, J.D., Dickhout, J., MacKeigan, J.P., Jossart, J.N., Zhou, J., Lin, J., Xu, J., Wang, J., Zhu, J., Liao, J., Xu, J., Zhao, J., Lin, J., Lee, J., Reis, J., Stetefeld, J., Bruning, J.B., Bruning, J.B., Coles, J.G., Tanner, J.J., Pascal, J.M., So, J., Pederick, J.L., Costoya, J.A., Rayman, J.B., Maciag, J.J., Nasburg, J.A., Gruber, J.J., Finkelstein, J.M., Watkins, J., Rodríguez-Frade, J.M., Arias, J.A.S., Lasarte, J.J., Oyarzabal, J., Milosavljevic, J., Cools, J., Lescar, J., Bogomolovas, J., Wang, J., Kee, J.-M., Kee, J.-M., Liao, J., Sistla, J.C., Abrahão, J.S., Sishtla, K., Francisco, K.R., Hansen, K.B., Molyneaux, K.A., Cunningham, K.A., Martin, K.R., Gadar, K., Ojo, K.K., Wong, K.S., Wentworth, K.L., Lai, K., Lobb, K.A., Hopkins, K.M., Parang, K., Machaca, K., Pham, K., Ghilarducci, K., Sugamori, K.S., McManus, K.J., Musta, K., Faller, K.M.E., Nagamori, K., Mostert, K.J., Korotkov, K.V., Liu, K., Smith, K.S., Sarosiek, K., Rohde, K.H., Kim, K.K., Lee, K.H., Pusztai, L., Lehtiö, L., Haupt, L.M., Cowen, L.E., Byrne, L.J., Su, L., Wert-Lamas, L., Puchades-Carrasco, L., Chen, L., Malkas, L.H., Zhuo, L., Hedstrom, L., Hedstrom, L., Walensky, L.D., Antonelli, L., Iommarini, L., Whitesell, L., Randall, L.M., Fathallah, M.D., Nagai, M.H., Kilkenny, M.L., Ben-Johny, M., Lussier, M.P., Windisch, M.P., Lolicato, M., Lolli, M.L., Vleminckx, M., Caroleo, M.C., Macias, M.J., Valli, M., Barghash, M.M., Mellado, M., Tye, M.A., Wilson, M.A., Hannink, M., Ashton, M.R., Cerna, M.V.C., Giorgis, M., Safo, M.K., Maurice, M.S., McDowell, M.A., Pasquali, M., Mehedi, M., Serafim, M.S.M., Soellner, M.B., Alteen, M.G., Champion, M.M., Skorodinsky, M., O’Mara, M.L., Bedi, M., Rizzi, M., Levin, M., Mowat, M., Jackson, M.R., Paige, M., Al-Yozbaki, M., Giardini, M.A., Maksimainen, M.M., De Luise, M., Hussain, M.S., Christodoulides, M., Stec, N., Zelinskaya, N., Van Pelt, N., Merrill, N.M., Singh, N., Kootstra, N.A., Singh, N., Gandhi, N.S., Chan, N.-L., Trinh, N.M., Schneider, N.O., Matovic, N., Horstmann, N., Longo, N., Bharambe, N., Rouzbeh, N., Mahmoodi, N., Gumede, N.J., Anastasio, N.C., Khalaf, N.B., Rabal, O., Kandror, O., Escaffre, O., Silvennoinen, O., Bishop, O.T., Iglesias, P., Sobrado, P., Chuong, P., O’Connell, P., Martin-Malpartida, P., Mellor, P., Fish, P.V., Moreira, P.O.L., Zhou, P., Liu, P., Liu, P., Wu, P., Agogo-Mawuli, P., Jones, P.L., Ngoi, P., Toogood, P., Ip, P., von Hundelshausen, P., Lee, P.H., Rowswell-Turner, R.B., Balaña-Fouce, R., Rocha, R.E.O., Guido, R.V.C., Ferreira, R.S., Agrawal, R.K., Harijan, R.K., Ramachandran, R., Verma, R., Singh, R.K., Tiwari, R.K., Mazitschek, R., Koppisetti, R.K., Dame, R.T., Douville, R.N., Austin, R.C., Taylor, R.E., Moore, R.G., Ebright, R.H., Angell, R.M., Yan, R., Kejriwal, R., Batey, R.A., Blelloch, R., Vandenberg, R.J., Hickey, R.J., Kelm, R.J., Jr., Lake, R.J., Bradley, R.K., Blumenthal, R.M., Solano, R., Gierse, R.M., Viola, R.E., McCarthy, R.R., Reguera, R.M., Uribe, R.V., do Monte-Neto, R.L., Gorgoglione, R., Cullinane, R.T., Katyal, S., Hossain, S., Phadke, S., Shelburne, S.A., Geden, S.E., Johannsen, S., Wazir, S., Legare, S., Landfear, S.M., Radhakrishnan, S.K., Ammendola, S., Dzhumaev, S., Seo, S.-Y., Li, S., Zhou, S., Chu, S., Chauhan, S., Maruta, S., Ashkar, S.R., Shyng, S.-L., Conticello, S.G., Buroni, S., Garavaglia, S., White, S.J., Zhu, S., Tsimbalyuk, S., Chadni, S.H., Byun, S.Y., Park, S., Xu, S.Q., Banerjee, S., Zahler, S., Espinoza, S., Gustincich, S., Sainas, S., Celano, S.L., Capuzzi, S.J., Waggoner, S.N., Poirier, S., Olson, S.H., Marx, S.O., Van Doren, S.R., Sarilla, S., Brady-Kalnay, S.M., Dallman, S., Azeem, S.M., Teramoto, T., Mehlman, T., Swart, T., Abaffy, T., Akopian, T., Haikarainen, T., Moreda, T.L., Ikegami, T., Teixeira, T.R., Jayasinghe, T.D., Gillingwater, T.H., Kampourakis, T., Richardson, T.I., Herdendorf, T.J., Kotzé, T.J., O’Meara, T.R., Corson, T.W., Hermle, T., Ogunwa, T.H., Lan, T., Su, T., Banjo, T., O’Mara, T.A., Chou, T., Chou, T.-F., Baumann, U., Desai, U.R., Pai, V.P., Thai, V.C., Tandon, V., Banerji, V., Robinson, V.L., Gunasekharan, V., Namasivayam, V., Segers, V.F.M., Maranda, V., Dolce, V., Maltarollo, V.G., Scoffone, V.C., Woods, V.A., Ronchi, V.P., Van Hung Le, V., Clayton, W.B., Lowther, W.T., Houry, W.A., Li, W., Tang, W., Zhang, W., Van Voorhis, W.C., Donaldson, W.A., Hahn, W.C., Kerr, W.G., Gerwick, W.H., Bradshaw, W.J., Foong, W.E., Blanchet, X., Wu, X., Lu, X., Qi, X., Xu, X., Yu, X., Qin, X., Wang, X., Yuan, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y.J., Hu, Y., Aldhamen, Y.A., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Sun, Y., Zhu, Y., Gupta, Y.K., Pérez-Pertejo, Y., Li, Y., Tang, Y., He, Y., Tse-Dinh, Y.-C., Sidorova, Y.A., Yen, Y., Li, Y., Frangos, Z.J., Chung, Z., Su, Z., Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Liu, Z., Inde, Z., Artía, Z., and Heifets, A. 2024. AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study. Scientific Reports, 14: 7526. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


BOTANY: Nell, R., Pillay, T., and Vetter, S. 2024. Reconstructing thicket clump formation using association rules analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science, 35 (3): e13265. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Aigbedion-Atalor, P., Heiduk, A., Upfold, J., Shuttleworth, A., Moore, S., Hill, M., and Coombes, C. 2024. Geographic variation in genetic composition, sexual communication and mating compatibility of the False Codling Moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta for optimisation of area-wide control. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12: 1360395. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Coombes, C., Hilliar, S., Moore, S., and Hill, M. 2024. The addition of molasses to the Cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus formulation improves its efficacy against Thaumatotibia leucotreta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a pest of citrus in South Africa. African Entomology, 33: e17650. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Githae, M.M., Coombes, C.A., Mutamiswa, R., Moore, S.D., and Hill, M.P. 2024. Suitability of false codling moth eggs from different sterile to fertile moth ratios in the sterile insect technique programme, to parasitism by Trichogrammatoidea cryptophlebiae. Crop Protection, 182: 106744. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Marsberg, T., Peyper, M., Kirkman, W., Moore, S., and Sutton, G. 2024. The effect of permanent protective netting on insect pest prevalence in citrus orchards in South Africa. African Entomology, 32: e17244. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Moffat, R., Noort, S. van, Coetzee, J., and Hill, M. 2024. Biotic resistance towards Hydrellia egeriae, a biological control agent for the aquatic weed Egeria densa, in South Africa. African Entomology, 32: e15718. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Schneider, S.C., Coetzee, J.A., Galvanese, E.F., Harpenslager, S.F., Hilt, S., Immerzeel, B., Köhler, J., Misteli, B., Motitsoe, S.N., Padial, A.A., Petruzzella, A., Schechner, A., Thiébaut, G., Thiemer, K., and Vermaat, J.E. 2024. Causes of macrophyte mass development and management recommendations. Science of The Total Environment, 931: 172960. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Mukwevho, L., Ndlovu, M., Chikowore, G., Dalu, T., Mutamiswa, R., and Chidawanyika, F. 2024. Responses of Ground-Dwelling Arthropods to Long-Term Prescribed Fire Regimes in a Savanna-Protected Area. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 95: 46–55. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CHEMISTRY: Abiodun Daramola, O., Bazibuhe Safari, J., Omotayo Adeniyi, K., Siwe-Noundou, X., Kirkpatrick Dingle, M.L., Edkins, A.L., Tseki, P.F., and Krause, R.M.W. 2024. Biocompatible liposome and chitosan-coated CdTe/CdSe/ZnSe multi-core-multi-shell fluorescent nanoprobe for biomedical applications. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 454: 115714. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CHEMISTRY, & INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Msutu, T., Adeniyi, O., and Mashazi, P. 2024. Antibody fluorescein-doped silica nanobioconjugates for the ultrasensitive detection of prostate-specific antigen. Sensors and Diagnostics, 3: 1167. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


CHEMISTRY: Koohyar, F., and Lobb, K. 2024. Computational study on the adsorption and mechanisms of the hydrogenation of N-Cbz-protected glycine, alanine, valine, and phenylalanine on palladium, Pd (1 0 0), surface. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 320: 129466. Retrieved from: [Accessed 01 July 2024].


COMPUTER SCIENCE: Bortoluzzi, F., Irwin, B., Beiler, L.S., and Westphall, C.M. 2023. Cloud Telescope: A distributed architecture for capturing Internet Background Radiation, in: 2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2023, pp. 77-85. Retrieved from:


COMPUTER SCIENCE: Chindipha, S.D. 2024. Object Detection in Cybersecurity: A Review of Automation of Malware Detection, in: Tchakounté, F., Atemkeng, M. (Eds.), Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity. IGI Global, pp. 175–196. Retrieved from:


COMPUTER SCIENCE: Chowdhury, P.D, and Renaud, K. 2023. ‘Ought’ should not assume ‘Can’? Basic Capabilities in Cybersecurity to Ground Sen’s Capability Approach, in: Proceedings of the 2023 New Security Paradigms Workshop, NSPW ’23. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 76–91. Retrieved from: [Accessed 17 July 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Mjoli, N., and Shackleton, C.M. 2024. Refugia for non-timber forest product populations: Prevalence and efficacy. Basic and Applied Ecology, 77: 26–34. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Mutumbi, U., Thondhlana, G., and Ruwanza, S. 2024. Adoption of residential rooftop solar PV systems in South Africa: A scoping review of barriers. Heliyon, 10 (10): e30937. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Shackleton, C.M., Adeyemi, O., and Setty, S. 2024. Why are non-wood forest products still the poor relative in Global Forest Resources Assessments? Forest Policy and Economics, 163: 103232. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


GEOGRAPHY: Irvine, P.M., and Dlongolo, Z.N. 2024. (Late)nt? Exploring the latent potential for participatory heritage conservation in Makhanda, South Africa. Habitat International 149: 103107. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


GEOGRAPHY: Montgomery, R.A., Kabra, A., Kepe, T., Garnett, S., and Merino, R. 2024. Re-centering social justice in conservation science: Progressive policies, methods, and practices. Biological Conservation, 294: 110600. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


HUMAN KINETICS & ERGONOMICS: Pote, L., Nicholls, S., Shaw, A., Keenan, J., and Christie, C. 2024. Physiological and Perceptual Demands During a Simulated “The Hundred” Batting Work-Bout in Female Cricketers. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Gandra, M., Winkler, A.C., Afonso, P., and Abecasis, D. 2024. Long-distance migrations and seasonal movements of meagre (Argyrosomus regius), a large coastal predator, along the Iberian Peninsula coast. Movement Ecology, 12: 35. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Gusha, N.M.C., Wilhelm, M.R., Bova, C.S., Engelhard, G.H., Hyder, K., and Potts, W.M. 2024. Horizon scan survey to identify key research questions to promote sustainability of the marine recreational fishery in Namibia. Fisheries Management and Ecology, e12709. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Kraft, S., Winkler, A.C., and Abecasis, D. 2024. Seasonal movement dynamics of the commercially important thornback ray (Raja clavata) in a coastal marine protected area. Ocean and Coastal Management, 254, 107210. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Martínez-Ramírez, L., Bentes, L., Dias, A., Erzini, K., Gandra, M., Kraft, S., Winkler, A.C., and Abecasis, D. 2024. Tagging mortality in acoustic telemetry studies: Insights from a multispecies analysis. Journal of Fish Biology. Retrieved from: [Accessed 18 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Ortega-Cisneros, K., de Moor, C.L., and Cochrane, K. 2024. Linking the movement of South African sardine and anchovy to environmental variables using a model of intermediate complexity. Fisheries Research, 275: 107001. Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 July 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Mutizwa, T.I., Kadye, W.T., Bragança, P.H.N., Bere, T., and Chakona, A. 2024. Hidden in the riffles: A new suckermouth catfish (Mochokidae, Chiloglanis) from the middle Zambezi River system, Zimbabwe. ZooKeys, 1197: 57–91. Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Adhiambo, R., Mensah, P.K., Acheampong, E., and Krampah, E.A. 2024. Plankton assemblages in a tropical West African estuary. Aquatic Sciences, 86: 70. Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH, & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Xoxo, B.S., Mantel, S.K., De Vos, A., Tanner, J.L., and Le Maître, D.C. 2024. Using the analytic hierarchical process to identify potential sites for rural ecological infrastructure investment in South Africa: examples from Cacadu and Tsitsa Catchments. Restoration Ecology, e14198. Retrieved from: [Accessed 19 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Fry, A., Clifford-Holmes, J., Palmer, T. 2023. A systemic analysis of participatory land and water governance in the Tsitsa River Catchment, South Africa. Presented at the 67th Annual Proceedings of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS 2023.


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Gusha, B., Palmer, A.R., and Renato, A.V. 2024. A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of the Performance of Livestock in the North-Eastern Cape Communal Rangelands, South Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, 52 (1): 90–115. Retrieved from: [Accessed 24 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Mensah, P.K., and Akwetey, M.F.A. 2024. Effective toxicity of pH to embryonic development of the banded lampeye killifish Aplocheilichthys spilauchen (Duméril, 1861). Heliyon, 10 (12): e32771. Retrieved from: [Accessed 24 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Mushunje, L.H., Marandure, T., Chikwanha, O.C., Bennett, J., Hawkins, H.J., Palmer, A.R., Wu, L., M.C, M., and Mapiye, C. 2024. Supplementation of Acacia dealbata versus Acacia mearnsii leaf-meal has potential to maintain growth performance of lambs grazing low-quality communal rangelands in South Africa. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 56: 152. Retrieved from: [Accessed 24 July 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Sani, Z., Katshiatshia, H.M., Tshimanga, R.M., Basamba, T.A., and Odume, O.N. 2024. Relationship between land use and water quality in a tropical urban catchment of the Congo Basin: A case study of N’Djili River catchment. Water Practice and Technology, 19 (4): 1272–1289. Retrieved from: [Accessed 24 July 2024].


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Nhlapho, W., Atemkeng, M., Brima, Y., and Ndogmo, J.-C. 2024. Bridging the Gap: Exploring Interpretability in Deep Learning Models for Brain Tumor Detection and Diagnosis from MRI Images. Information, 15 (4): 182. Retrieved from: [Accessed 24 July 2024].


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED), & STATISTICS: Zaza, S., Atemkeng, M., and Hamlomo, S. 2024. Wine Feature Importance and Quality Prediction: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms with Unbalanced Data, in: Tchakounte, F., Atemkeng, M., Rajagopalan, R.P. (Eds.), Safe, Secure, Ethical, Responsible Technologies and Emerging Applications. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 308–327. Retrieved from:


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Tchakounté, F., and Atemkeng, M. 2024. Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer Vision in Cybersecurity. IGI Global.  Retrieved from:  


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Tchakounte, F., Atemkeng, M., and Rajagopalan, R.P. 2024. Preface. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST 566 LNICST, v–vi.


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Tchokogoué, T., Noumsi, A.V., Atemkeng, M., Fonkou, M.F.Y., and Fono, L.A. 2024. A robust segmentation method combined with classification algorithms for field-based diagnosis of maize plant phytosanitary state. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 33 (1): 20230049. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHARMACY: Teinkela, J.E.M., Kedi, P.B.E., Fokou, J.B.H., Isaacs, M., Ngando, L.P.Y., Tchepnou, G.W., Oumarou, H., Noundou, X.S., Teinkela, J.E.M., Kedi, P.B.E., Fokou, J.B.H., Isaacs, M., Ngando, L.P.Y., Tchepnou, G.W., Oumarou, H., and Noundou, X.S. 2024. In vitro anti-trypanosomal activity of crude extract and fractions of Trichoscypha acuminata stem bark, Spathodea campanulata flowers, and Ficus elastica lianas on Trypanosoma brucei brucei. AIMSMOLES, 11 (1): 63–71. Retrieved from:


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Ferreira, I.A., Nunes, M.C.S., Yoshimura, E.M., Trindade, N.M., and Chithambo, M.L. 2024. A first look at phototransferred thermoluminescence of rose quartz. Radiation Measurements, 174: 107138. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Habarulema, J.B., Zhang, Y., Matamba, T., Buresova, D., Lu, G., Katamzi-Joseph, Z., Fagundes, P.R., Okoh, D., and Seemala, G. 2024. Absence of high frequency echoes from ionosondes during the 23–25 April 2023 geomagnetic storm; what happened? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129 (3): e2023JA032277. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Hugo, B., Bernardi, G., Smirnov, O.M., Dallacasa, D., Venturi, T., Murgia, M., and Pizzo, R.F. 2023. Radio multifrequency observations of Abell 781 with the WSRT. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526 (4): 5278–5291. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Kalita, J.M., and Chithambo, M.L. 2024. Phosphorescence of beta irradiated Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+ ─ A persistent luminescence phosphor. Journal of Luminescence, 272: 120664. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Kuja, S., Phiri, T.J., and Wiid, P.G. 2023. Exploiting Time Domain Monostatic Backscatter Measurements for Gain Determination. Presented at the 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON), Ahmedabad, India, 2023. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Nunes, M.C.S., Trindade, N.M., Yoshimura, E.M., and Chithambo, M.L. 2024. Optically stimulated luminescence of alexandrite. Optical Materials: X, 22: 100325. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Roux, D.G., Bark, R.A., Lawrie, E.A., Lawrie, J.J., Ntshangase, S.S., Dinoko, T.S., Easton, J.L., Jones, P., Kheswa, B.V., Khumalo, N.A., Majola, S.N.T., Masiteng, L.P., Negi, D., Noncolela, S.P., Ndayishimye, J., Sharpey-Schafer, J.F., Shirinda, O., and Uwitonze, P.C. 2024. First observation of rotational bands in the nucleus 231U. European Physical Journal A, 60: 118. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Terefe, D.A., Nigussie, M., and Habarulema, J.B. 2024. The Effect of Energy Deposition Hemispherical Asymmetry on Characteristics of LSTIDs During 17 March 2015 Geomagnetic Storm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129 (5): e2023JA031907. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 July 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Woodford, D.J., South, J., Mofu, L., and Pegg, J. 2024. River hydrology mediates fish invasions in Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa. Koedoe, 66 (1): a1806. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 July 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Goetze, J.S., Heithaus, M.R., MacNeil, M.A., Harvey, E., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Heupel, M.R., Meekan, M., Wilson, S., Bond, M.E., Speed, C.W., Currey-Randall, L.M., Fisher, R., Sherman, C.S., Kiszka, J.J., Rees, M.J., Udyawer, V., Flowers, K.I., Clementi, G.M., Asher, J., Beaufort, O., Bernard, A.T.F., Berumen, M.L., Bierwagen, S.L., Boslogo, T., Brooks, E.J., Brown, J.J., Buddo, D., Cáceres, C., Casareto, S., Charloo, V., Cinner, J.E., Clua, E.E.G., Cochran, J.E.M., Cook, N., D’Alberto, B.M., de Graaf, M., Dornhege-Lazaroff, M.C., Fanovich, L., Farabaugh, N.F., Fernando, D., Ferreira, C.E.L., Fields, C.Y.A., Flam, A.L., Floros, C., Fourqurean, V., Barcia, L.G., Garla, R., Gastrich, K., George, L., Graham, R., Hagan, V., Hardenstine, R.S., Heck, S.M., Heithaus, P., Henderson, A.C., Hertler, H., Hueter, R.E., Johnson, M., Jupiter, S.D., Kaimuddin, M., Kasana, D., Kelley, M., Kessel, S.T., Kiilu, B., Kyne, F., Langlois, T., Lawe, J., Lédée, E.J.I., Lindfield, S., Maggs, J.Q., Manjaji-Matsumoto, B.M., Marshall, A., Matich, P., McCombs, E., McLean, D., Meggs, L., Moore, S., Mukherji, S., Murray, R., Newman, S.J., O’Shea, O.R., Osuka, K.E., Papastamatiou, Y.P., Perera, N., Peterson, B.J., Pina-Amargós, F., Ponzo, A., Prasetyo, A., Quamar, L.M.S., Quinlan, J.R., Razafindrakoto, C.F., Rolim, F.A., Ruiz-Abierno, A., Ruiz, H., Samoilys, M.A., Sala, E., Sample, W.R., Schärer-Umpierre, M., Schoen, S.N., Schlaff, A.M., Smith, A.N.H., Sparks, L., Stoffers, T., Tanna, A., Torres, R., Travers, M.J., Valentin-Albanese, J., Warren, J.D., Watts, A.M., Wen, C.K., Whitman, E.R., Wirsing, A.J., Zarza-González, E., and Chapman, D.D. 2024. Directed conservation of the world’s reef sharks and rays. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1118–1128. Retrieved from:


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Meltus, Q.J., Mudereri, B.T., Mutamiswa, R., Abdel-Rahman, E.M., Matunhu, J., Musundire, R., Niassy, S., and Tonnang, H.E.Z. 2024. Host tree-based scenario modelling for predicting a key edible insect, mopane worm Gonimbrasia belina (Westwood, 1894) distribution in Southern Africa. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 644: 1–20. Retrieved from:


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Mgqatsa, N., Jama, K., Landman, M., and Kerley, G.I.H. 2024. Understanding resource use of an invasive species: Diet of the common warthog in Eastern Cape succulent thicket. Journal of Arid Environments, 222: 105155. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 July 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Raphalo, E.M., Cole, M.L., and Daniels, S.R. 2024. Phylogeography of two codistributed terrestrial snails in the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany biodiversity hotspot, South Africa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 142 (2): 175–187. Retrieved from: [Accessed 30 July 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Seuront, L., Henry, S., Breton, E., Spilmont, N., and Elias, F. 2024. Corrigendum to “Marine foams impede metabolic and behavioural traits in the rough periwinkle Littorina saxatilis” [Mar. Env. Res. 197 (2024) 106486] (S0141113624001478), (10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106486). Marine Environmental Research, 199: 106573. Retrieved from: [Accessed 30 July 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Bute, T.F., Wyness, A., Wasserman, R.J., Dondofema, F., Keates, C., and Dalu, T. 2024. Microbial community and extracellular polymeric substance dynamics in arid–zone temporary pan ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 932: 173059. Retrieved from: [Accessed 30 July 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Roy, H.E., Pauchard, A., Stoett, P.J., Renard Truong, T., Meyerson, L.A., Bacher, S., Galil, B.S., Hulme, P.E., Ikeda, T., Kavileveettil, S., McGeoch, M.A., Nuñez, M.A., Ordonez, A., Rahlao, S.J., Schwindt, E., Seebens, H., Sheppard, A.W., Vandvik, V., Aleksanyan, A., Ansong, M., August, T., Blanchard, R., Brugnoli, E., Bukombe, J.K., Bwalya, B., Byun, C., Camacho-Cervantes, M., Cassey, P., Castillo, M.L., Courchamp, F., Dehnen-Schmutz, K., Zenni, R.D., Egawa, C., Essl, F., Fayvush, G., Fernandez, R.D., Fernandez, M., Foxcroft, L.C., Genovesi, P., Groom, Q.J., González, A.I., Helm, A., Herrera, I., Hiremath, A.J., Howard, P.L., Hui, C., Ikegami, M., Keskin, E., Koyama, A., Ksenofontov, S., Lenzner, B., Lipinskaya, T., Lockwood, J.L., Mangwa, D.C., Martinou, A.F., McDermott, S.M., Morales, C.L., Müllerová, J., Mungi, N.A., Munishi, L.K., Ojaveer, H., Pagad, S.N., Pallewatta, N.P.K.T.S., Peacock, L.R., Per, E., Pergl, J., Preda, C., Pyšek, P., Rai, R.K., Ricciardi, A., Richardson, D.M., Riley, S., Rono, B.J., Ryan-Colton, E., Saeedi, H., Shrestha, B.B., Simberloff, D., Tawake, A., Tricarico, E., Vanderhoeven, S., Vicente, J., Vilà, M., Wanzala, W., Werenkraut, V., Weyl, O.L.F., Wilson, J.R.U., Xavier, R.O., and Ziller, S.R. 2024. Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1216–1223. Retrieved from:


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Tsatsu, S.K., Sutton, G.F., Serfontein, L., Addison, P., De Meyer, M., Virgilio, M., and Manrakhan, A. 2024. Distribution and host ranges of Ceratitis rosa and Ceratitis quilicii (Diptera: Tephritidae) in South Africa. Bulletin of Entomological Research. Retrieved from: [Accessed 30 July 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: White, L., O’Connor, N.E., Gilson, A., and Donohue, I. 2024. Species contributions to ecosystem stability change with disturbance type. Oikos, 2024 (7): e10077. Retrieved from: [Accessed 30 July 2024].