Monday, December 2, 2024

Pharmacy & Science Research Output: November 2024


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BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Carden, H., Harper, K.L., Mottram, T.J., Manners, O., Allott, K.L., Dallas, M.L., Hughes, D.J., Lippiat, J.D., Mankouri, J., and Whitehouse, A. 2024. Kv1.3-induced hyperpolarization is required for efficient Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus lytic replication. Science Signaling, 17 (845): eadg4124. Retrieved from: [Accessed 22 November 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Desmet, P., Hawley, G., Dayaram, A., Power, R.J., Heydenrych, R., Dzerefos, C.M., Schaller, R., Hahn, N., and Job, N. 2024. Revision of the North West province, South Africa, vegetation map. Bothalia - African Biodiversity & Conservation, 54 (1). Retrieved from: [Accessed 22 November 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Frans, P., Mkabayi, L., Pletschke, B.I., and Frost, C.L. 2024. The effects of Cannabis sativa and cannabinoids on the inhibition of pancreatic lipase – An enzyme involved in obesity. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 179: 117357. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 November 2024].


BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS: Mallum, A., Patel, S., Olatunji, E., Nnko, G., Alabi, A., Akudugu, J., Eulade, R., Joseph, A., Ngoma, M., Ngoma, T.A., Taiwo, A., Tendwa, M.B., Vorster, M., and Ngwa, W. 2024. Treatment delays for cancer patients in Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa as a microcosm. eCancerMedicalScience, 18: 1747. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTRE: Chauhan, R., Fogel, R., Purcarea, C., Necula-Petrareanu, G., Fanjul-Bolado, P., Ibañez, D., Vasilescu, A., Banciu, R.M., and Limson, J. 2024. Electrochemical characterization of carbon black in different redox probes and their application in electrochemical sensing. Carbon Trends, 17: 100408. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTRE: Mkolo, N.M., Naidoo, C.M., Kadye, R., Obi, C.L., Iweriebor, B.C., Olaokun, O.O., Prinsloo, E., and Zubair, M.S. 2024. Identification of South African Plant-Based Bioactive Compounds as Potential Inhibitors against the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor. Pharmaceuticals, 17 (7): 821. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


BOTANY: Butler, H.C., Rogerson, A., Peter, C.I., Johnson, S.D., and Newman, E. 2024. Evidence for diurnal bee pollination in the ancestrally hawkmoth-pollinated genus Crinum (Amaryllidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, XX: boae066. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


BOTANY: O’Connor, T.G., Pallett, N.C.M., Clegg, B.W., and Shimbani, J. 2024. Local extirpation of woody species in Colophospermum mopane woodland under chronic utilisation by elephants. African Journal of Ecology, 62 (3): e13296. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


BOTANY: Simpson, K.J., Mian, S., Forrestel, E.J., Hackel, J., Morton, J.A., Leitch, A.R., and Leitch, I.J. 2024. Bigger genomes provide environment-dependent growth benefits in grasses. New Phytologist, 244 (5): 2049–2061. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Chikowore, G., Bologo, N., Steenhuisen, S.-L., and Martin, G. 2024. Montane grassland recovery: lessons from 25 years of the Working for Water program on the northern Drakensberg Escarpment, South Africa. Restoration Ecology, e14315. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Ivey, P., Staden, G. van, Harding, G., Oosthuizen, D., Hoft, E., Staden, P. van, Anthonissen, E., Weaver, K., Hill, M., and Shackleton, R. 2024. Local and national stakeholders collaborate to take on Prosopis invasions with biological control and biomass use in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 17928. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Sieben, E.J.J., Steenhuisen, S., Vidal, J.D., Martin, G., and le Roux, P.C. 2024. Modelling landscape-scale occurrences of common grassland species in a topographically complex mountainous environment. Plant Ecology, 225: 1095–1108. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Chikodza, T., Hill, M.P., Kinsler, D., and Coetzee, J.A. 2025. Biological control alters competition between Pontederia crassipes Mart. (Pontederiaceae) and Salvinia minima Baker (Salviniales: Salviniaceae) in a eutrophic waterbody. Aquatic Botany, 196: 103823. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Steenderen, C. van, Mauda, E., Kirkman, W., Faulkner, K., and Guy, S. 2024. The Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri) in Africa: using MaxEnt to predict current and future climatic suitability, with a focus on potential invasion routes. African Entomology, 32: e18476. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CHEMISTRY: Harrison, T.G., Davies-Coleman, M.T., Rivett, A.C., Khan, M.A.H., Sewry, J.D., Wajrak, M., Barker, N.M., Furze, J., Franklin, S.D., Sellou, L., Shallcross, N.K.R., and Shallcross, D.E. 2024. Simple Climate Models That Can Be Used in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education. Journal of Chemical Education, 101 (10): 4528–4532. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


CHEMISTRY: Mokgopa, K.P., Lobb, K.A., and Tshiwawa, T. 2024. A Computational Study of Green Tea Extracts and their Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors for Squalene Monooxygenase. Medicinal Chemistry, 20: 721–732. Retrieved from:


CHEMISTRY: Umoh, S.D., Asekunowo, A.K., Okoro, I.S., Siwe, N.X., Kraus, R.W.M., Okoh, O.O., Ashafa, A.O.T., Asekun, O.T., and Familoni, O.B. 2024. Antioxidant evaluation and bio-guided isolation from methanol leaf extract of Acalypha godseffiana. Journal of the Nigerian Society of Physical Sciences, 6 (3): 2038–2038. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTRE: Nqowana, T., Fogel, R., Bezerra, J.C., and Limson, J. 2024. Citizen science tools for engaged research: Water quality monitoring in remote communities. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 18145. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


COMPUTER SCIENCE: Ncube, T., Dlodlo, N., and Terzoli, A. 2023. Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading through a Community-based Virtual Power Plant, in: 2023 2nd Zimbabwe Conference of Information and Communication Technologies (ZCICT). Presented at the 2023 2nd Zimbabwe Conference of Information and Communication Technologies (ZCICT), Gweru, Zimbabwe, 2023, pp. 1–6. Retrieved from:


ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING RESEARCH CENTRE & BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION CENTRE: Lotz-Sisitka, H., Limson, J., and Grange, L. le. 2024. Sustainability science engagement and engaged sustainability science. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 20070. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING RESEARCH CENTRE & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Olvitt, L., Davies, M., Ebrahim, A., and Cockburn, J. 2024. Transdisciplinary curriculum design for sustainability transitions: A reflective dialogue. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 17884. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING RESEARCH CENTRE & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Rosenberg, E., Cockburn, J., Reed, M., James, W., Gengelbach, J., and Walk, H. 2024. Evaluating innovation in transdisciplinary sustainability education: TRANSECTS’ international learning labs. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 7957. Retrieved from: [Accessed 27 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Adeyemi, O., and Shackleton, C.M. 2024. Practices and Perceptions of Foragers of Wild Resources in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria, in: Dhyani, S., Sardeshpande, M. (Eds.), Urban Foraging in the Changing World. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 45–58. Retrieved from:


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Adeyemi, O., and Shackleton, C.M. 2024. The abundance and distributional (in)equalities of forageable street tree resources in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Ecosphere, 15 (9): e70002. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Yapi, T.S., Shackleton, C.M., and Maitre, D.C.L. 2024. Identifying opportunities and constraints to effective management of invasive Australian wattle (Acacia) species in grassland landscapes, South Africa. Ecology and Society, 29 (4): 1. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Matikinca, P., Nyamakura, B., and Shackleton, S. 2024. Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in South Africa’s local municipal plans. South African Journal of Science, 120 (7/8): 5797. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Mlonzi, V., and Ruwanza, S. 2024. Role of Vachellia karroo as a nurse plant in oldfields targeted for passive restoration. Bothalia, African Biodiversity & Conservation, 54 (1). Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Seboko, T., Shackleton, C.M., and Ruwanza, S. 2024. Urban residents’ knowledge of and attitudes and willingness to control woody invasive alien plants in their domestic gardens in South Africa. People and Nature, 6 (5): 2077–2090. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Senkoro, A.M., Munt, D.D., Shackleton, C.M., Ribeiro‑Barros, A.I., and Voeks, R.A. 2024. The case of a threatened medicinal tree with optimistic prospects under climate change. Global Ecology and Conservation, 54: e03126. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


GEOGRAPHY: Ibrahim, A.-S., Kuuire, V., and Kepe, T. 2024. On mapping urban community resilience: Land use vulnerability, coping and adaptive strategies in Ghana. Journal of Environmental Management, 370: 122426. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


GEOGRAPHY: Matimolane, S., Strydom, S., Mathivha, F.I., and Chikoore, H. 2024. Evaluating the spatiotemporal patterns of drought characteristics in a semi‐arid region of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196: 1062. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


GEOGRAPHY: Strydom, S., and Savage, M.J. 2024. Modification of the microclimate and fire danger by Berg winds in the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal. South African Geographical Journal, 1–18. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Abecasis, D., Martínez-Ramírez, L., Gandra, M., and Winkler, A.C. 2024. Tracking movements of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) during the spawning season: Preliminary indications of off estuary spawning. Journal of Fish Biology. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE, BIOCHEMISTRY, MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Oliver, J.-C., Shum, P., Mariani, S., Sink, K.J., Palmer, R., and Matcher, G.F. 2024. Enhancing African coelacanth monitoring using environmental DNA. Biology Letters, 20 (10): 20240415. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE, & CENTRE FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: Smith, M., Penry, G., and Mokhatla, M. 2024. To move or not? Tourists’ perceptions and management considerations of a beached whale carcass in a South African national park and marine protected area. African Journal of Marine Science, 46 (3): 227–237. Retrieved from: Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Cochrane, K.L., Butterworth, D.S., Hilborn, R., Parma, A.M., Plagányi, É.E., and Sissenwine, M.P. 2024. Corrigendum to “Errors and bias in marine conservation and fisheries literature: Their impact on policies and perceptions” [Marine Policy 168 (2024) 10639]. Marine Policy, 169: 106376. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Cochrane, K.L., Butterworth, D.S., Hilborn, R., Parma, A.M., Plagányi, É.E., and Sissenwine, M.P. 2024. Errors and bias in marine conservation and fisheries literature: Their impact on policies and perceptions. Marine Policy, 168: 106329. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Duncan, M.I., Micheli, F., Marquez, J.A., Lowe, C.J., Hamilton, S.L., and Sperling, E.A. 2024. Temperature-dependent hypoxia tolerance of purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus across biogeography and ontogeny. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 739: 129–146. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Lee, B., Skeljo, F., Randhawa, H.S., Brownscombe, W., and Arkhipkin, A. 2024. Early life-history patterns in Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides from the Patagonian Shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 726: 131–148. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Li Shing Hiung, D.L.C.Y., Schuster, J.M., Duncan, M.I., Payne, N.L., Helmuth, B., Chu, J.W.F., Baum, J.K., Brambilla, V., Bruno, J., Davies, S.W., Dornelas, M., Gagnon, P., Guy-Haim, T., Jackson, J.M., Leichter, J.J., Madin, J.S., Monteith, Z.L., Queirós, A.M., Schneider, E.V.C., Starko, S., Talwar, B.S., Wyatt, A.S.J., Aichelman, H.E., Bensoussan, N., Caruso, C., Castillo, K., Choi, F., Dong, Y.-W., Garrabou, J., Guillemain, D., Higgs, N., Jiang, Y., Kersting, D.K., Kushner, D.J., Longo, G.O., Neufeld, C., Peirache, M., Smyth, T., Sprague, J.L., Urvoy, G., Zuberer, F., and Bates, A.E. 2024. Ocean weather, biological rates, and unexplained global ecological patterns. PNAS Nexus, 3 (8): pgae260. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Maulu, S., Hasimuna, O.J., Chibesa, M., Bbole, I., Mphande, J., Mwanachingwala, M., Nawanzi, K., Chibeya, D., Siavwapa, S., Mbewe, J., Namukonda, L., Balungu, F., Mumbula, I., Kabika, M., Mweemba, S., Sikanyenyene, M., Siankwilimba, E., Imbwae, I., and Mweetwa, H.M. 2024. Perceived effects of climate change on aquaculture production in Zambia: status, vulnerability factors, and adaptation strategies. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8: 1348984. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Novak, T., Bridges, C.R., Naylor, M., Yemane, D., and Auerswald, L. 2024. Acute Hypercapnia at South African Abalone Farms and Its Physiological and Commercial Consequences. Fishes, 9 (8): 313. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Mann, B., Jordaan, G., Dalton, W., Daly, R., Soekoe, M., Potts, W., Smale, M., and Swart, L. 2024. Movement and growth of the spotted gully shark Triakis megalopterus in South African waters. African Journal of Marine Science, 46 (2): 109–123. Retrieved from:


ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Vasantha Raman, N., Gebreyohanes Belay, B.M., South, J., Botha, T.L., Pegg, J., Khosa, D., Mofu, L., Walsh, G., Jordaan, M.S., Koelmans, A.A., Teurlincx, S., Helmsing, N.R., de Jong, N., van Donk, E., Lürling, M., Wepener, V., Fernandes, T.V., and de Senerpont Domis, L.N. 2024. Corrigendum to [Environ. Pollut. 357 (2024) 124439]. Environmental Pollution, 359: 124575. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Regasa, M.B., and Nyokong, T. 2024. Advantages of Electrochemical Exfoliation Method Over Conventional Methods, in: Khan, R., Kumar, N., Sadique, Mohd.A., Parihar, A. (Eds.), Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphene and Its Derivatives: Commercial Applications. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 33–59. Retrieved from:


INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Soy, R.C., Macigane, P.R., Mack, J., and Nyokong, T. 2024. Photodynamic antibacterial chemotherapy activities of P(V) and Ga(III) triarylcorroles and their silver nanoparticle conjugates. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 28 (7), 469–486. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION: Welegergs, G.G., Ambaye, A.D., Jokazi, M., Nwahara, N., and Nyokong, T. 2024. Bioengineering of one dimensional hierarchical Cu7S4 hollow nanotubes for non-enzymatic glucose sensing applications. RSC Advances, 14: 27122–27131. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Edegbene, A.O., Arimoro, F.O., and Odume, O.N. 2024. Developing Macroinvertebrate Biotic Indices in Nigerian Urban-Agricultural River Catchments: Is the Continuous Scoring System More Effective than Discrete Scoring System? Water, 16 (15): 2182. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Jumbi, F., Glenday, J., and Mazvimavi, D. 2024. Variation in soil water content and groundwater levels across three land cover types in a floodplain of the Kromme catchment, South Africa. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Retrieved from:


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Odume, O.N., Chili, A., Nnadozie, C.F., and Slaughter, A. 2024. Stakeholder contestations of water quality use and management in the Vaal Barrage catchment. South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 17887. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Onyima, B.N., Nwabueze, L.N., Nnadozie, C.F., Omovoh, G.O., Mmachaka, T., Omovoh, B.O., Arimoro, F.O., Uku, J.E., Akamagwuna, F.C., Onyima, G.O., and Odume, O.N. 2025. Livelihood risks arising from urban river pollution in selected marginal communities in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. Urban Ecosystems, 28: 1–12. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESEARCH: Palmer, C.G., and Tanner, J. 2024. What does practising the Adaptive Systemic Approach offer engaged sustainability science? South African Journal of Science, 120 (9/10): 19355. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Fauzi, F., Kasim, A.R.M., Waini, I., Kanafiah, S.F.H.M., and Tijani, Y.O. 2024. The Bibliometric Review on Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluid. Journal of Advanced Research in Micro and Nano Engineering, 20 (1): 17–34. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


MATHEMATICS (PURE AND APPLIED): Oloniiju, S.D., Tijani, Y.O., and Otegbeye, O. 2024. Thermal analysis of extended surfaces using deep neural networks. Open Physics, 22 (1). Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHARMACY: Bayne, R.J., Pyle, D., Chipumuro, M., and Tandlich, R. 2024. Rapid assessment of public interest in drought and its likely drivers in South Africa. Journal of Emergency Management, 22 (7): 101–112. Retrieved from:


PHARMACY, & CHEMISTRY: Ndongwe, T., Zhou, A.-A., Ganga, N.P., Matawo, N., Sibanda, U., Chidziwa, T.V., Witika, B.A., Krause, R.W.M., Matlou, G.G., and Siwe-Noundou, X. 2024. The use of nanomaterials as drug delivery systems and anticancer agents in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer: an updated review (year 2005 to date). Discover Nano, 19: 138. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHARMACY: Mathe, E., Sethoga, L., Mapfumari, S., Adeniran, O., Mokgotho, P., Shai, J., and Gololo, S. 2024. Phytochemical Screening and Characterization of Volatile Compounds from Three Medicinal Plants with Reported Anticancer Properties Using GC-MS. Life, 14 (11): 1375. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHARMACY: Siboto, A., Ludidi, A., Sibiya, N., Khathi, A., and Ngubane, P. 2024. Maternal prediabetes as a risk factor of preeclampsia and placental dysfunction in pregnant female Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 44 (1): 2379498. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Brustein, R., Medved, A.J.M., and Simhon, T. 2024. Thermodynamics of frozen stars. Physical Review D (PRD), 110: 024066. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Fagundes, P.R., Pillat, V.G., Habarulema, J.B., Tardelli, A., and Muella, M.T. A. H. 2024. Solar Flares and the Intricate Response of Earth’s Outer Geomagnetic Field Variation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129 (9): e2024JA032903. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Garland, I.L., Walmsley, M., Silcock, M.S., Potts, L.M., Smith, J., Simmons, B.D., Lintott, C.J., Smethurst, R.J., Dawson, J.M., Keel, W.C., Kruk, S., Mantha, K.B., Masters, K.L., O’Ryan, D., Popp, J.J., and Thorne, M.R. 2024. Galaxy Zoo DESI: large-scale bars as a secular mechanism for triggering AGNs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 532 (2): 2320–2330. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Koribalski, B.S., Duchesne, S.W., Lenc, E., Venturi, T., Botteon, A., Shabala, S.S., Vernstrom, T., Carretti, E., Norris, R.P., Anderson, C., Hopkins, A.M., Riseley, C.J., Gupta, N., and Velović, V. 2024. ASKAP reveals the radio tail structure of the Corkscrew Galaxy shaped by its passage through the Abell 3627 cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533 (1): 608–620. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Marrewijk, J. van, Mascolo, L.D., Gill, A.S., Battaglia, N., Battistelli, E.S., Bond, J.R., Devlin, M.J., Doze, P., Dunkley, J., Knowles, K., Hincks, A., Hughes, J.P., Hilton, M., Moodley, K., Mroczkowski, T., Naess, S., Partridge, B., Popping, G., Sifón, C., Staggs, S.T., and Wollack, E.J. 2024. XLSSC 122 caught in the act of growing up - Spatially resolved SZ observations of a z = 1.98 galaxy cluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689: A41. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Okoh, D., Cesaroni, C., Habarulema, J.B., Migoya-Orué, Y., Nava, B., Spogli, L., Rabiu, B., and Benjamin, J. 2024. Investigation of the global climatologic performance of ionospheric models utilizing in-situ Swarm satellite electron density measurements. Advances in Space Research. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: O’Sullivan, E., Rajpurohit, K., Schellenberger, G., Vrtilek, J., David, L.P., Babul, A., Olivares, V., Ubertosi, F., Kolokythas, K., Babyk, I., and Loubser, I. 2024. A Hot Core in the Group-dominant Elliptical Galaxy NGC 777. Astrophysical Journal, 970 (1): 65. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Pelliciari, D., Bernardi, G., Pilia, M., Naldi, G., Maccaferri, G., Verrecchia, F., Casentini, C., Perri, M., Kirsten, F., Bianchi, G., Bortolotti, C., Bruno, L., Dallacasa, D., Esposito, P., Geminardi, A., Giarratana, S., Giroletti, M., Lulli, R., Maccaferri, A., Magro, A., Mattana, A., Perini, F., Pupillo, G., Roma, M., Schiaffino, M., Setti, G., Tavani, M., Trudu, M., and Zanichelli, A. 2024. The Northern Cross Fast Radio Burst project - IV. Multi-wavelength study of the actively repeating FRB 20220912A. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 690: A219. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Polymeris, G.S., Geraga, M., Papatheodorou, G., Iliopoulos, I., Pluháček, T., Lemr, K., Qin, Z., Sergiou, S., Dimas, X., and Liritzis, I. 2024. Climate-driven versus anthropogenic induced erosion of the last 3000 years from an ancient lake in the Southern Phokis Plain (Desfina), Greece. The Holocene, 34 (12): 1775–1789. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


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PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Schroeder, G., Rhodes, L., Laskar, T., Nugent, A., Escorial, A.R., Rastinejad, J.C., Fong, W., Horst, A.J. van der, Veres, P., Alexander, K.D., Andersson, A., Berger, E., Blanchard, P.K., Chastain, S., Christensen, L., Fender, R., Green, D.A., Groot, P., Heywood, I., Horesh, A., Izzo, L., Kilpatrick, C.D., Körding, E., Lien, A., Malesani, D.B., McBride, V., Mooley, K., Rowlinson, A., Sears, H., Stappers, B., Tanvir, N., Vergani, S.D., Wijers, R.A.M.J., Williams-Baldwin, D., and Woudt, P. 2024. A Radio Flare in the Long-lived Afterglow of the Distant Short GRB 210726A: Energy Injection or a Reverse Shock from Shell Collisions? Astrophysical Journal, 970 (2): 139. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Serra, P., Oosterloo, T.A., Kamphuis, P., Józsa, G.I.G., Blok, W.J.G. de, Bryan, G.L., Gorkom, J.H. van, Iodice, E., Kleiner, D., Loni, A., Loubser, S.I., Maccagni, F.M., Molnár, D., Peletier, R., Pisano, D.J., Ramatsoku, M., Smith, M.W.L., Verheijen, M. A. W., and Zabel, N. 2024. The MeerKAT Fornax Survey - III. Ram-pressure stripping of the tidally interacting galaxy NGC 1427A in the Fornax cluster. Astrophysical Journal, 690: A4. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Thethwayo, C.T., Mtshali, C.B., Khumalo, Z.M., Segola, K., Nsengiyumva, S., Mongwaketsi, N., Ndlangamandla, C.L., and Biyela, P.N. 2024. Analysis of structural stability of Ar ion-implanted Pd/Zr/Pd/Ti/Pd multilayer stack in hydrogen annealing environment. Heliyon, 10 (16): e35830. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS: Xu, Z., Kim, H., Hewitt, J.N., Chen, K.-F., Kern, N.S., Rath, E., Byrne, R., Gorce, A., Pascua, R., Martinot, Z.E., Dillon, J.S., Hazelton, B.J., Liu, A., Morales, M.F., Abdurashidova, Z., Adams, T., Aguirre, J.E., Alexander, P., Ali, Z.S., Baartman, R., Balfour, Y., Beardsley, A.P., Bernardi, G., Billings, T.S., Bowman, J.D., Bradley, R.F., Bull, P., Burba, J., Carey, S., Carilli, C.L., Cheng, C., DeBoer, D.R., Acedo, E. de L., Dexter, M., Eksteen, N., Ely, J., Ewall-Wice, A., Fagnoni, N., Fritz, R., Furlanetto, S.R., Gale-Sides, K., Glendenning, B., Gorthi, D., Greig, B., Grobbelaar, J., Halday, Z., Hickish, J., Jacobs, D.C., Julius, A., Kariseb, M., Kerrigan, J., Kittiwisit, P., Kohn, S.A., Kolopanis, M., Lanman, A., Plante, P.L., Loots, A., MacMahon, D.H.E., Malan, L., Malgas, C., Malgas, K., Marero, B., Mesinger, A., Molewa, M., Mosiane, T., Murray, S.G., Neben, A.R., Nikolic, B., Nuwegeld, H., Parsons, A.R., Patra, N., Pieterse, S., Razavi-Ghods, N., Robnett, J., Rosie, K., Sims, P., Smith, C., Swarts, H., Tan, J., Thyagarajan, N., Wyngaarden, P. van, Williams, P.K.G., and Zheng, H. 2024. Direct Optimal Mapping Image Power Spectrum and its Window Functions. Astrophysical Journal, 971 (1): 16. Retrieved from: [Accessed 28 November 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Gauff, R.P.M., Mugnai, F., Mancuso, F.P., Porri, F., Costantini, F., and Airoldi, L. 2024. Distribution of native and non-indigenous bivalves and their settlers along an urban gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11: 1401552. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Guareschi, S., Mathers, K.L., South, J., Navarro, L.M., Renals, T., Hiley, A., Antonsich, M., Bolpagni, R., Bortolus, A., Genovesi, P., Jere, A., Madzivanzira, T.C., Phaka, F.M., Novoa, A., Olden, J.D., Saccó, M., Shackleton, R.T., Vilà, M., and Wood, P.J. 2024. Framing challenges and polarized issues in invasion science: toward an interdisciplinary agenda. BioScience, biae084. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: James, N.C., Jacobs, A.G., Gayiza, M., Human, L.R.D., Steyn, P.P., Bernard, A.T., and Rishworth, G.M. 2024. Nursery provision of red-algal habitats in temperate Algoa Bay, South Africa. Marine Biology, 171: 185. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Whitfield, A., and Smith, M. 2024. Future of the IUCN Endangered white steenbras Lithognathus lithognathus (Sparidae) – a tale of two estuaries. African Journal of Marine Science, 46: 155–167. Retrieved from:


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Whitfield, A., and Weerts, S. 2024. Fish species, families and guilds recorded in selected estuaries of Mozambique. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 23 (1): 53–67. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Mpanza, N.P., Cuthbert, R.N., Pegg, J., and Wasserman, R.J. 2024. Assessing biological invasion predatory impacts through interaction strengths and morphological trophic profiling. Biological Invasions, 26: 4165–4177. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Cozzolino, L., Nicastro, K.R., Detree, C., Gribouval, L., Seuront, L., Lima, F.P., McQuaid, C.D., and Zardi, G.I. 2024. Intraspecific variations in oyster (Magallana gigas) ploidy does not affect physiological responses to microplastic pollution. Chemosphere, 364: 143206. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Little, A.J., Matthee, C.A., Ueckermann, E.A., Horak, I.G., Hui, C., and Matthee, S. 2024. Host and habitat shape ectoparasite diversity on Mastomys natalensis and Mastomys coucha (Muridae). Parasitology, 151: 769–783. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY: Mnqeta, Z., and Paterson, I.D. 2024. Biological control against Opuntia aurantiaca Lindley (Cactaceae) and the perceptions of land-users in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 34: 1165–1177. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY, & ICHTHYOLOGY AND FISHERIES SCIENCE: Nawa, N., South, J., Ellender, B.R., Pegg, J., Madzivanzira, T.C., and Wasserman, R.J. 2024. Complex selection processes on invasive crayfish phenotype at the invasion front of the Zambezi floodplains ecoregion. Freshwater Biology, 69 (9): 1322–1337. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].


ZOOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY, & SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR AQUATIC BIODIVERSITY: Keates, C., Wasserman, R.J., Conradie, W., Dondofema, F., Munyai, L., Riddell, E., and Dalu, T. 2024. Frogs of the Makuleke Contractual Park, northern Kruger National Park. Koedoe, 66 (1): 9. Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 November 2024].

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