Thursday, May 2, 2013

Peer review of peer reviewing

An interesting and very relevant report on this topic appeared on the BioMed Central blog blog on 14th April...

"Often referred to as the ‘the worst system imaginable except for all others’, peer review itself was under review on Monday 21 April, at the Experimental Biology conference in Boston. A panel, organised by BioMed Central and energetically chaired by Gregory Petsko, took on the issues faced by academics and editors in peer review....

 Perhaps open review and new platforms of communication will provide a solution. Laurie Goodman, Editor in Chief of Gigascience referred to the review of one manuscript late last year when a reviewer blogged his review – something that would traditionally be a cause for alarm. The paper was on preprint server and already available for comment, and contrary to the expected negative effects, the ensuing discussion of the paper and review by the author, editors, tweeters and bloggers added to the paper significantly. Goodman says: “In 20 years of peer review, this was the first time where the review process was an absolute blast.”"

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